









Emerald starts with a sentimental intro, which increases emotionally and leads to a passionate climax. Emerald was one of the songs that fans most wanted to hear live. A call that remained unheard until the 20th Tx anniversary tour in 2017. However, Jeff Martin had already played both acoustically and electronically before.


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Confess what you crave
A life without pain
You’d kill for the taste
But the hurt still remains

Still they don’t know who you are

Just be still my emerald
I’ll be waiting for you
Do exactly as you’re told
I’ll be waiting for you

Ashamed by the threats
You pierce the embrace
Afraid and alone
In a dark lonely place

Did you always want to be
Did they try to steal your soul
Did they hurt you with deceit
Can’t you come in from the cold
Be still my emerald
I’ll be waiting for


Emerald starts with a sentimental intro, which increases emotionally and leads to a passionate climax. Emerald was one of the songs that fans most wanted to hear live. A call that remained unheard until the 20th Tx anniversary tour in 2017. However, Jeff Martin had already played both acoustically and electronically before.


  • let us know…


Confess what you crave
A life without pain
You’d kill for the taste
But the hurt still remains

Still they don’t know who you are

Just be still my emerald
I’ll be waiting for you
Do exactly as you’re told
I’ll be waiting for you

Ashamed by the threats
You pierce the embrace
Afraid and alone
In a dark lonely place

Did you always want to be
Did they try to steal your soul
Did they hurt you with deceit
Can’t you come in from the cold
Be still my emerald
I’ll be waiting for

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  • Something is missing?
  • You know something about the Album or a song that you can’t find on the site yet?
  • You have videos, photos or other material from the Tx period?
  • You found a wrong information on the Transmission website?
Great! Let us know and share your items!


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